Ringing in the New Year: Knitting Resolutions

image_medium2Happy New Year! I can’t believe it’s already 2016. This is both my favourite and least favourite time of year. It feels like there’s so much promise, when the new year is just a couple of days old, but it also feels a little bit pressured. At least in my knitting resolutions, I see nothing but fun ahead for my new year.

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Getting Organised for 2016

 Even though Christmas hasn’t happened yet, my mind has moved past it already (blame working in the publishing industry; there I’m getting started on 2017). Potential New Years Resolutions are streaming through my mind, and knitting-wise, the same one pops into my head each year (just like the perpetual “I will lose weight this year!”): stop buying so much yarn and knit down the stash.

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Sugar ‘n Cream Scrubby

The pink is a bit lighter than this. Photographing in the evening seems to have changed the way the colour shows up.

Last night I decided a good small project between Chadwick and the shawl would be to knit up a swatch with the Sugar ‘n Cream Scrubby yarn. I’ve been kind of envisioning a cotton and scrubby washcloth that could be given as part of a baby present, so I figured now was as good a time as any to try this stuff out. I’ll note, real quickly before I start writing too much, that I am in no way affiliated with the Bernat brand. I bought the yarn for $3.99 (and tax) at Michaels.

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Adding to the Stash: Some more gorgeous roving

Aqua Moon from Three Waters Farm

When I saw this roving on Three Waters Farm’s Etsy shop, I thought, I’d really like this. So, I favorited it. Easy. Well, every time after that when I would see it, I wanted it more and more. I can’t tell you how beautiful it looked! It was just, oh my. I was in want really bad.

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Adding to the Stash: Sugar n Cream Scrubby

Sugar 'n Cream Scrubby

During a recent trip to Michaels to pick up magnetic paper and neon-colored paints, I came across this interesting yarn. It’s called Sugar n Cream Scrubby. It has these soft ridges along the edges but is still pretty soft. Has anyone used this before?

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