Amaryllis Hat

One more block away

One more block away

This year, I decided I was only going to knit a Christmas present for one person. After a couple years of stress and last-minute (or more often, late) projects, I’m just done. It’s too much stress, and my knitting mojo was gone for months this past year. That being said, I chose my person wisely. I picked the one person who tried to teach me to knit ages ago and who I haven’t made anything for yet: my grandma.

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FO: Timberline Sweater

My dad is great at posing!

My dad is great at posing!

I have been pretty monogamous with my projects over the past few weeks. Part of that had to do with getting ready to move across the country and needing to pack. The other part was I had a tight deadline, which I missed … by two weeks. In the end, though, I’m happy to say the project is complete!

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Reading Patterns

I was listening to the Knit Picks Podcast on my way home from work yesterday and an interesting topic came up. Kelley and Kerin were discussing tips for reading patterns (I’m playing catch-up as I’m way behind). As I listened, my mind kept wandering off and comparing how I read patterns to what their suggestions were, which I found fascinating.

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