
I am an editor based out of Central Texas. In my free time, I knit up a storm. It’s both my passion and my meditation. I strongly believe in, what I call, fearless knitting. I don’t look at difficulty levels or worry if I’ve never, say, cabled or done true Fair Isle. I try whatever catches my fancy, leaping for any adventure that comes my way. I’ll try anything. I make mistakes, but then I learn from them. There’s no way to progress without taking some risks.

When I was a kid, my grandmother tried to teach me to knit, although I don’t remember much about that. In 2006, I learned again at the Lutheran Youth Gathering in San Antonio. I made this scarf-ish shaped turquoise object on bamboo needles. I threw it away. In 2010, while working at Michaels, I tried again and it stuck a little longer. My first project after the scarf-ish thing was a cabled blanket (no joke, fearless knitting already). The cables were gorgeous, but I got bored after about 2 feet and quit again until the next year.

I didn’t really take to knitting until 2011. I decided my husband needed a Christmas stocking. I had never done colorwork or knit in the round, but I tried it anyway. After that first stocking, I was hooked. I haven’t stopped knitting since. In my quest for fearless knitting, I knit a lacy pi shawl, a couple pairs of plain socks, a pair of lacy socks, a couple toys, cabled hats, and several more stockings, few if anything in garter. Like I said, I’ll try anything.

I started this blog so I could keep track of my progress as a knitter and maybe learn something from other knitters around the world. I invite open communication about the fiber world. If I’m doing a technique wrong, please (please) tell me. If you have tips that make certain techniques easier, post away!

If you have questions for me, feel free to send them my way. I can be reached at fortheknitofit(at)gmail(dot)com.

Or, come hang out on the Facebook and Ravelry pages!

145 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello ms. AW! I think your blog is plenty pretty! I like your topics and you do a great job of selecting pics to supplement your text. I am a writer/content manager myself, so I feel the wordy connections flowing! Your talent shows through your good writing. Thank you for sending me the link to your blog, am looking forward to reading more.

      • Oh trust me I get it! I was working 70-80 hours per week in front of a computer, and I finally lost it. So I up and quit my job and started Project Create so that I can cure the corporate world of its lack of creativity. My goal is to get more people to do SOMETHING creative with their lives. If you ever make it out to New Orleans, maybe you can be a guest teacher for a knitting class!

  2. Anatasia, we’d love to have you come knit with us at our Knitting Circles. All welcome. Waco Knitters. 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at West Waco Library 5- 7pm. Bring a friend. And your questions!

  3. Thanks so much for dropping by reading and liking my post! 🙂 I recently starting to crochet and am always looking for new ideas. I had no clue I could recycle yarn! What a great tip! Thanks!

  4. Thanks for liking my post, “Muse”. I started knitting a couple years ago. I don’t get to it as often as I would like so I’m still a beginner. I’m currently knitting my dog a sweater. I figure if it turns out ugly he can’t really complain. 😉 I look forward to seeing more of your posts on knitting.

  5. Thank you for visiting my blog an liking my Valentine’s Day Stationery post, Anastasia. 🙂 Sadly I don’t know much about knitting, but your blog will definitely change that! Have a great day! 🙂

  6. Thank you for following our blog! I noticed you say you aren’t very good yet, but everyone starts somewhere! I liked what I saw. Keep it up, practice makes you better.
    -April w/ED_ToothTalk

  7. Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog! I’ve literally just started and have no editorial experience as you can probably tell! I just love to make things. I’m not so good at self promotion tho so it’s interesting to read other people’s blogs to see what they say. I’ve just started knitting and crochet myself as I like to try out lots of different crafts so I’ll be following your blog for tips!!

  8. I love that you call knitting a meditation. I have never tried it but my mother in law promised she will teach me. I have been wanting to learn knitting since it does look very relaxing. I have a very hard time meditating even through it’s part of my yoga teacher training! I will keep an eye on your blog and get inspired to finally give it a try!

  9. Hihi, thanks for dropping by my blog! I am seeing such cute knitting projects in your blog and I love it! I tried knitting a decade back but has never succeeded at it. I really hope to reignite this passion. When I do, I’ll be asking you for pointers 🙂

  10. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and liking my post “Bright cold day.” I crochet a lot these days but cannot seem to get used to knitting again. I used to knit quite well. Maybe through your blog I can get my knitting skills up and going again. I think chronicling a new skill you are learning is a great idea for structuring a blog. Will be back again!

  11. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and liking a couple of posts. I envy you being able to knit – my mum tried so hard and so many times to teach me but I could never get the hang of it. I seem to be better suited to needle and thread and now the loom. I look forward to reading about your knitting exploits and who knows, maybe I’ll try again to get my head and hands round those pesky needles…..!!

  12. Hi there! Thanks so much for stopping by the Sunshine Scrapbook and liking a few of my posts 🙂 Knitting can be so much fun… you’ve reminded me it’s a skill I want to relearn 🙂

  13. I am so jealous of people who can knit. My mother is amazing. I’ve seen her unravel a store bought sweater to shorten and alter the waistband. She’s fearless. I’ve gone to Stitch’n’bitches, bought books, and given it a good go. I tried to make a baby hat for my son and after three attempts gave up. I can sew anything. I can make anything out of clay but knitting? Forget it.

  14. Hi! thanks for swinging by my blog. I followed your link to your Ravelry page and discovered that you’re knitting An Aran for Frederick. My husband has been asking that I put him in m knitting queue or awhile, and out of all the patterns on Ravelry, that was the sweater pattern he picked! So we’re knitting buddies on that one. I’m only about 2 inches in though.

  15. thanks for stopping by my blog. As my knitting talent only runs to knit, purl and stocking stitch it is on my list of things to get better at. I dream about being able to knit a cable knit throw!

  16. I’m pretty much a failure at knitting despite concentrated attempts at it at various points during my life. Thankfully, I CAN do other things! I will look forward to seeing what you are up to. thank you so much for visiting my blog and liking my post!

  17. I have just recently taken up knitting again. I have know how for many years but have let the creative side of my life get away from me. I will enjoy hearing your knitting progress and might even be inspired to try something besides dish cloths. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I look forward to hearing more.

  18. Thanks for visiting my blog Living in Rural Mallorca! The skill of knitting is something I’ve never mastered. I began knitting booties for my newborn niece and she was starting nursery school by the time I’d finished them! I like your blog, even if I can’t knit!

  19. Thanks for stopping by at the UFO Garage and liking my posts. I took a short rip around your blog, need to come back for more. Greetings from Germany, Jule

  20. Thanks for liking my post on soups! I like your blog, I decided to follow it. I am a beginner when it comes to knitting, but I’d love to take it to the next level & it’d be great to have you as a teacher. 🙂

  21. Thanks for stopping by Anastasia….really lovely blog you have as well.
    I have some Gotland sheep who I’m hoping in the (hopefully not so distant) future to use their fleeces to make our own yarn….
    From there?? – well I’ll need to get myself sorted knitting and crocheting wise (work in progress there 🙂 )…..might need to pick your brains…. because what I know about all things wool you could put on a pinhead!!

    • Oooh, I’ve heard Gotland can be quite nice! You’ll have to let me know how it turns out. I love learning about wool, but I don’t know near as much as I wish I did. Maybe we can pick each other’s brains!

  22. thank you for your cheer at my first ever blog! I saw some pretty amazing knitwork on yours, inspiring hand made beauties, and I just l o v e the tune of Earl Grey, so relaxing to start my day, would you mind if I (try to 😉 link this to my blog too?

  23. Hi!! Thank you for liking my post “Mug Smug.” I definately am browsing and seeing so many neat things. It’s over-whelming as well as I’m a newbie to the Blogging World. As you an see, my blog is so ……blah. I love how your website is nice and neat. I can’t wait to get to where you are. Great job!!!!

  24. Thanks for liking my blog today! I just took a look at yours and I really enjoyed it. My Nana also taught me how to knit when I was a kid, and I picked it up again last year.

  25. Aloha Anastasia,
    Mahalo Nui Loa for liking my blog! I am new to the blogging world and I really appreciate your kukoa! FYI I love your name which is also my daughter name!
    Much love and Aloha!

  26. Thanks so much for liking my blog posts, I thought I was the only one reading them! Really like your knits especially the selbu mittens, they’re lovely. I’ve got a similar pattern that has been lying around for an age and as winter’s nearly over for this year I suppose they’ll just have to wait for the next!

  27. What a fun blog! (Thanks for visiting mine, too!) I am a beginning knitter and have done some real basic items but I find it is so much more work than crocheting. Ugh! However, I think the look of knit is usually prettier than crochet. Maybe you will inspire me!

  28. Thanks for the like. Curious enough, I knit too (when my hands allow it) and was just thinking of writing a post about it. I look forward to getting future project ideas from you 🙂 Thanks again!

  29. You have a beautiful and fun blog. My mother used to knit, and, on the New York subways, I sometimes see people knitting. I once struck up a conversation a woman sitting next to me, knitting, and she told me it helped her mind relax and feel good. I still have a couple of pieces that my mother made and cherish them.

  30. Hello! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and liking my necklace post. I love your blog, and thank you for “Knitting 101” section. I find it very useful, I need it this. There was a time when I wanted to start knitting. Maybe now I’ll do. 🙂

  31. I am more of a “cooker” than a knitter, but I too have always wanted to learn. Not sure the time is right, yet. I’ll check back in for inspiration when I’m ready. Good luck!

  32. Excellent premise for a blog. I have no doubt that your husband will soon have marvelously knit scarves. Blessings in your endeavor.

  33. Thanks for the “like”. Very colorful blog! Love it. I started knitting 4 years ago and soon after started crocheting. And now, Im a crochet/knit monster (not master yet :p).

  34. Thanks very much for your visit to my ‘gonerustic’ blog! This is my alter ego, where I indulge in all things crochet … I love knitting too, when it’s done by other people such as yourself. Love your blog! =D

  35. Pingback: Feature Friday | Yoga for my mind

  36. I’m sorry to hear about your losses – as someone who is expecting, I can’t even imagine how hard that would be.

    I’m not sure what kind of knitter I am – maybe a bit of both then….

    If I leave a wip alone for too long, I find I lose interest forever and don’t finish it. Lately I’ve been under a lot of knitting deadlines, so I was feeling down – so casting on a new project was so exciting!

    Happy Knitting from cedar knits.wordpress.com 🙂

  37. thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post 🙂
    I must admit- I am not a knitter, though I wish I was! Maybe someday. But- my SIL knits all the time- I’ll have to mention your blog to her!

  38. thanks for taking the time to read; I get more likes from you than anyone. refinedstrangeness has been a pretty quiet corner of the blogosphere so far, so I really appreciate it. ^^

  39. I don’t know anything about knitting, but my grandmother used to do it and I wish I had learned (I guess it’s never too late). Thank you for sharing all of your creations and your adventure in learning!

  40. Thanks for dropping by my blog and liking my post! I’m glad you did as I followed the link back to your knitting blog!! I have been trying to learn to knit and am currently doing 2 dimensional items… you know, the basic dish cloth, scarf, blanket, etc. I’ve bookmarked your blog and will definitely be returning frequently to read up.

  41. Guess I must have used the word “wool” to get you to view my site and post “Sheepish”. Thanks for liking it, Anastasia! Wish I knew how to knit; I know it’s not hard, just a matter of getting started. Think I’ll take a look at your 101 info…

  42. Hi =)
    Thanks for stopping by pinvestigation! I too attempted to learn how to crochet from my canasta partner and well let’s just say I won’t be making any scarves or blankets any time soon!

  43. I am glad you stopped by. I love your site. I have just taken up knitting, for the 4th time in my life. I am trying to remember what to do and harder yet, how to read a pattern! I am glad to have found your site!

  44. Starting from the ground up is the way to go with a blog, and I really like your posts — makes me want to take up knitting again! Lol, my aunt taught me to knit when I was six, and I really enjoyed it until just the last few years when my overall patience for delayed gratification severely waned. You have a great blog here, and thank you so much for stopping by Mrs. City Boy and liking my post!

  45. Hello Anastasia! Thanks for visiting my blog and liking the last couple of posts! I like your blog too – you write really well (blocking = spa day for yarn is such a great analogy) and your reason for starting the blog in the first place makes it very inviting to read further. Looking forward to seeing more of your great knitting journey 🙂

  46. Hello! The names Larry. Thank you for your continuous liking of my posts. I’ve been rather busy lately. Usually I do a lot more with my blog, especially since I dumped everything I need ti get it back in shape.

  47. Thanks for visiting my blog. I don’t know much about knitting, but I have crocheted a bit, so I can kind of relate. Quilting is my thing, and now watercolors. All fiber arts have a lot it common and I very much enjoy seeing your projects.

  48. My mum was teaching me the basics of knitting in the summer. I am always wearing knitted hats and wanted to make my own. But as I come back to university I haven’t practiced or got better at all, not had the time. Uni is nearly over now so I might start learning again (not that I had learnt much anyway, my mum told me I knitted like a 4 year old, I just couldn’t decided how I wanted to hold the knitting needles). But if I start again over the summer maybe I will have a hat by the time winter comes back around.

    I will surely have a good look at your blog for some tips, Im gonna need them.


  49. Thank you for visiting and liking my post on my jewelry listing for my etsy store. You have an interesting blog. Very inspiring! Knitting is something I never was able to master! My one attempt ages back, turned a baby bootee project from its original yellow yarn to grey and it still never got finished!

  50. Hi, thank you for visiting and liking my post. I am just starting and it is very nice to know that there is someone that read and look what I made. I will look your blog more carefully as there are lots of ideas!!. Thanks Emma

  51. Really like your blog. Can’t believe you’ve only been knitting for a couple of years! It just shows what progress you can make in a short time if you have the enthusiasm.

    And thanks for liking my blog.

  52. Hi Anastasia,
    I apologize for the delay in shipping your scarf. I have been unable to get to the Post Office as I was taking care of my partner after she left the hospital. I would like to send it on today. However, I have misplaced your address.
    Please send it again via: raggz2baggz@gmail.com
    Again, I am deeply apologetic.
    Cathy the Bagg Lady

  53. Pingback: Sharing Community | Eclectic Bet

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