Minion Slippers and Mitten Set

A set of minions

A set of minions

My knitting needles have been slow lately and preoccupied with mostly gifts. Now, however, I can finally share what I’m working on! It’s been a slow project thanks to outside forces, but I finally completed ita Minion inspired slippers and mitten set.

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WIP: Theoden Socks


A new WIP in our new home

It’s been a busy couple of weeks as we settle into our new place in our new hometown. Now that most of the boxes are unpacked, including the yarn (yay!), I’ve finally had a chance to sit down and get some work done. Of course, why work on an old WIP when you can start a brand new one?

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FO: Timberline Sweater

My dad is great at posing!

My dad is great at posing!

I have been pretty monogamous with my projects over the past few weeks. Part of that had to do with getting ready to move across the country and needing to pack. The other part was I had a tight deadline, which I missed … by two weeks. In the end, though, I’m happy to say the project is complete!

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