Swatching up a Storm


Getting ready for the first swatch measurements

Swatching is probably one of my least favourite parts of knitting, second only to weaving in ends. It feels tedious, doesn’t feel productive (even though I completely admit it is), and it’s time away from knitting the final product. Lately, however, I have been trying to embrace this process as practice, an introduction to the yarn I’ll be using, and a way to experiment.

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Busy weekend: On the Needles

Coming along just fine!

I had an extremely productive weekend. That’s not to say I finished any of my WIPs, but I did get a lot of work done on a couple of them. Okay, mostly I got a lot done on my shawl, which I absolutely love.

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Weekend WIPs (and FOs)

My version of Thick and Quick Ribbed Cowl by Naomi Adams

My needles have been super busy! This weekend my husband had a bowling tournament, so I ended up getting a lot of knitting done. (Granted I used bulky or super bulky yarns) The total number of FOs was 4: 3 cowls and a hat.

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WIP: Husband Sweater Day 3

Finally, progress on the sweater

I thought I was so clever on Tuesday! I said I had checked the sweater a couple of times and made sure it was not twisted. To be fair, I had. Problem being, I hadn’t checked that closely and I had checked it late at night. A few rows in Tuesday evening, I realized there was indeed a twist and that I would have to start again.

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WIP: Husband’s Sweater Day 1

The making of a sweater

Last night I started Lesson Two of Nina’s Design Your Own Sweater Class from Knit Picks. It didn’t take long to figure out what to do at this point. I had to cast-on a LOT of stitches. Luckily, I have a very skinny husband, but one who also kind of likes baggy sweaters. The grand total came out to 240 stitches on size 6 circ needles.

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Busy Weekend

Needles and yarn ready to get started on the sweater

This weekend felt crazy busy, but I got a lot done! On Saturday siblings teamed up to coordinate getting a new radio put in dad’s car, then I tagged along with my husband to bowling for a couple of hours. I’m really not into bowling, so I brought my knitting along and steadily worked at my stitches, occasionally getting picked on by my husband’s friends.

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Kool-Aid and Wool

What do Lion Brand Fisherman's Wool and Kool-Aid have in common?

Last week was a week of indecision. I’ve started and torn out stitches over and over again. I want a cowl. I know I want a cowl. I just haven’t been able to get that going. Then, indecision hit the socks. I didn’t finish the socks, and I really should’ve been able to. Then I tore out the blanket. No more blanket. Nothing got  finished last week.

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