Anniversary Giveaway!

Tomorrow is my one year anniversary with the blog! I can’t believe I’ve kept up (even if a bit sporadically lately) for a whole year. In honor of this year and in honor of the great help/advice/encouragement/conversation I’ve received with you all, I decided I would do a yarn giveaway!

Let’s start with the prizes, shall we? There are two prizes, so two winners, in this giveaway. The first prize is the lovely, squishy, super comfy Cascade Hand-Dyed Jewel in in colorway 9947 (2 hanks).

Two hanks of Cascade Jewel

Two hanks of Cascade Jewel

The second prize is the really lovely and soft FibraNatura Cottonwood 100% Cotton in a light green (2 skeins).

FibraNatura Cottonwood 100% Cotton

FibraNatura Cottonwood 100% Cotton

Note: While the kittens are never allowed anywhere near the yarn and it is kept well out of their reach, this yarn does come from a kitten home. I thought it would be best to mention this in case anyone had severe cat allergies (or just cat allergies in general).

How do you win? Easy! You can have up to 5 entries. Each of these should be left as separate comments to count as separate entries:

  1. Leave a comment below telling me your favorite knitting tip or your favorite technique and why!
  2. Follow the blog, and leave a comment below saying you have. (If you are already a follower, write “I already follow” or something like that; it counts!)
  3. Share this post on Facebook, and leave a comment below saying you have.
  4. Share this post on Twitter, and leave a comment below saying you have.
  5. Mention this giveaway in a blog post or repost this post. Leave the link in a comment below.

I will run the giveaway until January 31st midnight (CST), and I will announce the winners on February 1st. I will use the generator to pick the winner. Best of luck!

I want to thank you all once again for joining me in this first year journey. You are all so wonderful! Oh, and while it’s not for an entry, feel free to add me as a friend on Ravelry! My username is anastasiamw.


Comments are now closed! Ready to find out who the winners are? Check out this post for the big reveal!

192 thoughts on “Anniversary Giveaway!

  1. My favorite tip came from my grandmother. She said to always keep the yarn scraps, no matter how small. She showed my how to make pom-poms and tassels from them.

  2. My favourite knitting technique is to make things with minimal seaming, in order to avoid the dreaded sewing up!

    I have just nominated you for an award for your smashing blog. There are 11 (well, 33) rules for acceptance. Check out my latest post – it’s more fun than it sounds, honest!

  3. I learn the basics as I go along, when things don’t look right and I actually google it. For example, slip stitches with yarn in front 🙂 Thanks for the chance.

  4. My favorite technique is magic loop. It just makes so much sense to me. I thought everyone did it until I tried explaining it to a friend, and she totally didn’t get it!

  5. Leave a comment below telling me your favorite knitting tip or your favorite technique and why! The ‘flat’ side means to knit, the ‘bumpy’ side means to purl when doing stockinette. 😉 Very handy and helpful.

  6. Follow the blog, and leave a comment below saying you have. (If you are already a follower, write “I already follow” or something like that; it counts!) I am a new follower. LOVE knitting in Waco (feel free to join us at Waco Knitters knitting circles the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at the West Waco Library 5 – 7pm. All welcome. No fees.)

  7. Share this post on Facebook, and leave a comment below saying you have. I put your contest on the Waco Knitters FB page. Friend us!

  8. Leave a comment below telling me your favorite knitting tip or your favorite technique and why! Wind your yarn before you even start a project to prevent snarls later.

  9. My knitting tip is to always get one extra skein or ball of yarn for the project. It will come in handy in case you need it for repairs or any other emergency that comes up with the project.

  10. Pingback: Reading Patterns | For the Knit of It

  11. I’m going to do 2 entries! I just subscribed to you blog (after you checked out mine, thank you 🙂 I decided to see what you were up to) & I’m re-blogging this post on my blog as well. Hopefully it can bring a few newbies over too!
    Plus I just sent you a friend request on ravelry.

  12. Reblogged this on Purplethermia and commented:
    I just started reading this lovely new blog & it looks like she’s doing a yarn giveaway! If anyone is interested in some free yarn (who isn’t?!!) head over to her blog & check it out.

  13. Always buy slightly more yarn than you think you need for a project! There’s nothing as awful as being almost done, and out or yarn…

  14. My friend gave my the idea to lay scarves in the trunk of the car in the summer bc it makes them soft w/o felting it

  15. I have NEVER let labels (such as “beginner”, “intermediate”, “experienced”) stop me from trying something “new”. Even as a beginner, I would just choose patterns that I liked, and I would “figure it out” as needed.

  16. Thanks for check-in out my blog. so funny, if your blogs were kids, they would go to school together one day 😉 Mine is 5 days olders than yours. Ah and of course for the give away: I follow you now.

  17. I’m pretty new to knitting so I don’t have any tips to share (but I’m enjoying seeing everyone elses!) yesterday I attempted knitting in a circle using DPN for the first time…I’m really enjoying knitting like this as it seems to grow really quickly! It was also my first attempt at cable knitting…I loved that too!

  18. Knitting Tip. Buy yourself a good how to book. Mine is The Knitters Bible by Claire Crompton. Brilliant diagrams. Shows you how to sew up seams, pick up stitches etc.

  19. Favorite method is magic loop. It has saved my sanity on more than one project. My tip for magic loop – Judy’s cast on. Better than long tail and it faces your stitches in the right direction (they dont fall off like long tail) and its easier !

  20. I hate knitting button/hole bands and sewing them on. So, when I cast on the fronts, I add nine extra sts at the front edge that I leave on a safety pin. When the fronts are finished, I pick up the nine sts and work the band, and join to the main part by k2tog on each alt row on the main part edge. This works very well, and saves a lot of sewing up.

  21. Lovely giveaway prizes 😀 My favourite tip is that when you need two pieces of knitting the same, knit them at the same time on the same needle, each with their own ball of yarn. It works for sleeves, socks etc. I already follow 🙂 Avis x

  22. Q – My favorite knitting tip is to use the Old Norwegian Cast-on method. Forget trying to hold two needles together, or free up a larger needle, this method makes a loose long-tail cast-on.

  23. My tip is to always buy enough yarn to finish your project before you start. And pick up one extra ball for “just in case”. Most stores will let you return or exchange unused yarn.

  24. I’ll give you a tip (and follow) but don’t want to enter, as I am trying to do a stash knit-down, this year! My tip – doing Fair Isle, and knitting in the round? Knit inside-out! Leads to better tension, and is easier. Honest.

  25. My favorite thing to knit is probably socks. There is something comforting in the routine and the process, yet I still get to be creative and challenged in the pattern.

  26. Wow, people really like free stuff? How many comments is that?

    Who am I kidding. I LOVE free stuff.

    Well, you know I already follow you. And you’re one of my top commenters too 🙂

  27. Favorite knitting tip? At the moment: markers are your friends. Friends don’t let friends knit lace without them. I’m knitting Fiori Di Sole right now and I think I’d be pulling my hair out if I wasn’t using markers.

  28. I just started following your blog. My favorite knitting technique is a super-stretchy cast on for ribbed items that I just learned last year. So far I’ve used out on 7 items and it has “changed my life” well many knitting life that is.

  29. My favourite technique is combination knitting in ribbing – you wrap the yarn the OTHER way around the needle when doing the purl stitches in ribbing. This makes the ribbing very even

  30. Thanks for the like on my birds post! AS for a knitting tip… you can email PDF knitting patterns to your Kindle (or even just the kindle app!) which makes them incredibly portable and an easy way to carry the pattern in your knitting project bag.

  31. Pingback: Check this out! « Flaws and All

  32. My favorite knitting..thing…is knitting with dpns. I have trouble with twisting my work with I use circulars so when patterns call for knitting in the round dpns are my weapon of choice.

  33. That’s a very nice giveaway! Lovely pizes!
    I don’t have a favorite technique, but I’m itching to try illusion knitting right now..
    That’s completely new idea for me and I find it very interesting..

  34. My fave tip was from another knitter. If you need a stitch marker, but cannot find any right away, use a bit of scrap yarn in a contrasting color.

  35. Pingback: Anniversary Giveaway! « Photogirl72′s Blog

  36. hi there, from as of today i am following your blog. Not just in order to stand a chance in this lovely give away, but also to see how your knitting progresses. Happy anniversary.

  37. Congratulations!!!Lovely giveaway,thanks for the chance tow in it.I am beginner in knitting,still learning,crochet is my passion.I will say that repetition is the best key in learning new things,try and error and try again until you get it.

  38. Happy blogiversary!

    I think my favorite knitting tip is to never be afraid of a project or technique. If you want to FO badly enough, you’ll be able to muddle through and get it figured out!

  39. Thanks for visiting my blog & for the likes on my recent posts! Happy knitting & cheers for your blogiversary!

  40. My favorite knitting technique is probably k2tog. I have no idea why, but it’s fun to do. I also save all my scrap yarn for a “scrap blanket”. I’m still quite a ways from getting anywhere close to finished on that one, though.

  41. I am in love right now with knitting stripes using two different long striping yarns in contrasting colorways. Just knit two rows of A and two rows of B, carrying A up the side. It looks really shimmering if done on a simple chevron pattern. No two garments will ever turn out the same. Works well with Lion Brand Amazing, Red Heart Boutique Treasure and Noro.

  42. So many of us celebrating our blogiversaries! A happy one to you, and I hope whomever the lucky recipient was, they are enjoying their beautiful yarn!


  43. Yay!!! My favorite technique is K2tog. Why? I have no idea, it just makes me happy to knit 2 stitches together. It’s like an accomplishment, small, but big! Got it?? lol Oh the simple things in life!!! 🙂

  44. Pingback: Anniversary Giveaway! | Knit It Out

  45. Being self taught I get stuck on the abbreviations in patterns all the time. I don’t what they mean or how to do them. So I search them in youtube and learn that way.

  46. My favorite knitting tip is to ALWAYS be aware of your tension and gauge, as it can change from one minute to the next!

  47. Pingback: Anniversary Giveaway! | Bond America Blog

  48. Pingback: Anniversary Giveaway! « Hooked on Crafting

  49. Fave tip? It’s only knitting, not rocket science. If you make the same mistake more than once, it becomes a design feature. New follower here. 🙂

  50. I love your blog and am so glad you commented on our blog because that’s how I found you! What a wonderful internet world for crafters!

  51. I’ve started following your blog. You have achieved so much in a year! As a new blogger, you are inspiring. My favorite knitting tip…keep learning and keep experimenting – I’m constantly amazed at what simple knits and purls can create.

  52. Following the blog, shared on facebook. And, my favorite tip/technique changes. I like picot edging – I like the way it works and how clean of a start or finish it is. I like I-Cord bind offs for their stability. 😀

  53. gorgeous yarn! I am a follower, tweeted and fb update with the giveaway. my favorite tips are 1. the magic loop and 2. from my mom= just do it!

  54. My dear 83 year knitting buddy scoffs when she witness new knitters joining yarn with knots. So my favorite method of joining yarn is to take the tail of the diminishing ball of yarn and lay it parallel to the tail of the new ball and knit them together in the next stitch followed by knitting the next stitch with the new strand of yarn. On the following row, you knit the two loops as one which anchors the new ball of yarn. I like knowing that the new yarn is knitted into the piece and is secure.

  55. Pingback: Reminder: Anniversary Giveaway | For the Knit of It

  56. I already follow 🙂 one tip is I always knit with wooden knittingneedles to avoid statics from mixed yarn-materials, plus the wooden knittingneedles are a lot lighter and therefore easier on the hands and fingers – great blog 🙂

  57. My knitting tip to all especially new knitters, always buy extra yarn than the project calls for, you never know, you may need that piece for casting off!

  58. I think one of my favorite knitting techniques is the Kitchener stitch, it makes such a beautiful seamless connection between live stitches. Great for finishing up top down socks or the little square baby hats. This blog post => has a great cheat sheet for the pattern of it and an instructional video link. But the Judy’s magic cast on for toe up socks is pretty great too. You can find the instructions here =>

    I follow the blog.

  59. Pingback: Anniversary Giveaway! « thissideofheavenblog

  60. Pingback: WIP: Something Simple | For the Knit of It

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