Modern Baby Crochet by Stacey Trock (Martingale)

Modern Baby Crochet by Stacey Trock Martingale

Modern Baby Crochet by Stacey Trock

The babies are booming lately (not that the boom ever really seems to slow)! I have several friends expecting or who have just had their bundles of joy arrive. What better way to celebrate these new, adorable additions than with some beautiful crochet presents?

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FO: Bias Baby Blanket

Niece's Baby Blanket

Niece’s Baby Blanket

I won! I finished the project before baby niece was born. In fact, she’s still not here yet as she’s not due for a couple more weeks. That should give me just barely enough time to put the blanket in the mail to England to get to her (provided she’s not early).

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More baby knits on the way!

Finished baby hat

Not long ago, my husband and I found out we were going to get a new niece/nephew at the start of 2013. I’ve been so very excited ever since. I have two nieces and a nephew so far, and I absolutely adore them. Now I knit, too, so some serious spoiling is about to take place.

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Giving Crochet a Chance

Ugly, wonky swatch. Can you tell which end mom started?

As most people around me know, I hesitate at the word “crochet”. All I picture are granny-square afghans for miles. Recently, though, I visited my mom and spotted her working on a baby blanket. There was nothing “granny square” about this blanket. It was soft, elegant, and enchanting looking. Dare I say, it almost looked like Emma’s blanket from the ABC show Once Upon a Time.

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